[Tech] [31c3] Lightning talk about a project involving freenet
2014-12-26 19:25:22 UTC
Tech mailing list
2014-12-30 09:15:47 UTC
Hi folks,
have you already noticed this ? >>> https://wiki.c3d2.de/EqualNodes
It's a project site of a team-up between the a chaos computer club group and
students from a tech university, which tries to develop a comprehensive
An encrypted network as "freifunk" – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freifunk
– which complete communication is anonymized for externals and which, for
instance, also can incorporate smartphones.
Among others they consider freenet for their project and planned a theme
night on friday, the 16th of January 2015; they gave the freenet a slot on
this event on 21:20 – 20 min. presantation, then 10 min. open discussion.
Torben Lechner
Nice, thank you! There are currently already 2 requests for Freenet talks in
Germany within the next few months, so this is the 3rd.

Is someone already considering to do the presentation, or are you hereby
requesting us to find someone to do it?

ArneBab is likely to deal with both of the existing requests. In case he's not
annoyed yet, I am forwarding this to him so he might consider dealing with it
as well.

Also forwarding to the devl@ mailing list since it has more readers probably.

xor, Freenet client application developer
